Recognized as a leader in the transport and logistics market, Fox Ten Logistics affirms and consolidates this position through its ability to cope with market fluctuations while keeping its values as a common thread. Small business on a human scale, Fox Ten Logistics SAS knows how to stay close to its customers, and demonstrates it once again, despite a national logistics transport sector which is experiencing some changes due to digitization in particular.
Find out how the fox against these disturbances !
Transport and logistics: market realities

The realities and constraints of the market are battered by a lack of drivers, delivery equipment, and high costs to which you have to know how to adapt on a daily basis.
In this context, commercial industrial strategies encourage the world of logistics to go global... and to go digital.
Many platforms and interfaces are emerging and attenpting to bypass the human interventi on represented by freight forwarders, essential, responsive and flexible regulators.
However, completely unpredictable trends every day lead to consequent disruptions in traffic conditions, driving time regulations, proven delays during loading or unloading on site... and impacting the quality of organization of freight transport.
The immediate feedback information on the arrival times and/or total reception of the customer, required by some shippers with CMR attached cannot always be respected because it is generated by means of communication that are sometimes obsolete and inoperative in certain areas that are still " blank of operational communication networks ", or of " time " constraints that each driver experiences daily, because " the clock is ticking" inexorably...
Getting the goods to the final recipient requires quality monitoring and extraordinary field experience that no machine can replace and which will however remain essential with a demanding recipient.
People are and will therefore remain at the heart of Fox Ten Logistics SAS development projects and at the center of their interests, to serve and reassure their shipper customers.
People at the center of Fox Ten

A true transport organizer, Fox Ten Logistics SAS wants to respect its commitments, both in the monitoring of the transport until the " good end " of the delivery of goods, as in the permanent control of its service providers with regard to races and transport in Classes.
But that's not all! The fox always has a trick up its sleeve and puts digitization at the service of humans, instead of replacing one for the other.
Fox Ten Logistics SAS has developed its permanent quality control service !
Its teams, available 24 hours a day, set up follow-up actions with its qualified delivery personnel, supportthem with kindness during proven problems during the journey, which allows its customers to be informed, in real time, of the exact position of its order: this is where the wealth of Fox Ten Logistique SAS lies !
--> Availability, daily checks of shipments by means of communication up to and throughout the Supply-Chain...
FOX TEN LOGISTICS SAS thus ( and above all ) stands out, through its daily and essentiaactive presence with all the players in its sector of activity, which allows the continuity of commercial exchanges and promotes dialogue between shippers, recipients, and the delivery valets.
This is what allows it to control over 99% of its performance indicators !