
At Fox Ten, machines will not replace human experience!
Recognized as a leader in the transport and logistics market, Fox Ten Logistics affirms and consolidates this position through its ability to cope with market fluctuations while keeping its values…

FOX TEN on the ... dance floor!
Transport organizer, FOX TEN LOGISTICS is used to spoiling its employees. On October 11, the Presient of the company Thierry Revy raised te bar even higher by inviting his teams aboard a Parisian…

Fox Ten against Mucovicidosis
Supported by its President and his entire team, FOX TEN LOGISTICS strives to obtain results.
In another area, how can we not make a link with the teams of researchers and caregivers who are…

Fox Ten Logistics sets up in the south!
The fox banner wiill now slam in La Seyne-sur-Mer, in the 83, where Fox Ten Logistics is setting up a new transport agency.
Led by the sparkling …

Fox Ten Logistics signs with Ukrainian company AeroCar
COVID-19 should not prevent us from looking to the future, even the distant one. Since flying have multiplied, like the AeroMobil, created by the Slovakian company of the same name, Thierry Revy…

FOX TEN renews itself in Lyon
Ranked 10th most attractive city in Europe (PwC & Urban Land Institute, 2017), Lyon is also the second economic pole in France.
Ho could a company with a national vocation lie Fox Ten…

Go Sanguinet!
Stress management, self-confidence, respect for partners, flexibility and concentration...
These are not only the virtudes demanded by logistics transport, but the…

In the east, Fox Ten Logistics continues to grow
On May 1, 2020, we informed you of the renewal of the renewal of the Corbas team in Lyon. Well things are still evolving!
Boris Orlandi, who had taken the agency in hand…

Fox Ten takes root in the Paris region
With growth of nearly 50% in 2019 compared to 2018, Fox Ten is opening a new agency in the North of Paris, in Aulnay-sous-Bois ( 93 ), and strengthening its commercial position as a organizer of…